Bali Duck Characteristics, History, Uses, and Care Guide

Welcome to our guide about Bali ducks! This article will show their amazing traits, history, how they’re used, and how to care for them. Whether you love ducks, breed them, or are just curious, you’ll find what you need here. Let’s start learning!

Key Takeaways:

  • Bali ducks are a domestic duck breed from Bali in Indonesia.
  • They have a unique feather crest, which makes them great for decoration.
  • Bali ducks are friendly and can live in different places.
  • They don’t lay or provide a lot of meat, but they can lay 120 to 250 eggs yearly.
  • Keeping them healthy means giving them good shelter, the right food, and keeping predators away.

Bali Duck Physical Appearance and Colors

Bali Ducks are not your average ducks. They are medium-sized with unique features. They have a rounded body, a slender neck, and a rounded head. They also have a special crest of feathers on their heads.

This crest differs in shape and size, making them even more charming.

Mostly, Bali Ducks wear a snowy white coat. But, they can also don other colors. Sometimes, you might see them in brown or mallard shades. They can even have spots or stripes, making them truly unique. This variance in color makes them quite striking.

Bali Ducks have easily recognizable traits. For starters, they sport a flashy yellow-orange bill. Their eyes shine bright blue against their white feathers. And, their legs are a vivid orange, adding a nice touch to their look.

They stand straight, like Runner ducks. This makes them not only beautiful but also interesting to watch.

For more details, check out the table below. It shows the different features and colors of Bali Ducks.

Steven G. Johnson, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Physical CharacteristicsColor Variations
Rounded bodySnow white
Short and slender neckBrown
Broad, rounded headMallard
Crest of feathers on headSpots or stripes (less common)
Yellow-orange bill 
Bright blue eyes 
Bright orange legs 

Bali Duck Size, Weight, and Lifespan

The Bali Duck is a medium-sized breed with unique features. We will look at how big they are, how much they weigh, and how long they live.

Size and Weight

Male Bali Ducks weigh between six and seven pounds. Females are lighter, at five to six pounds. They are considered medium-sized, smaller than some other ducks.


Bali Ducks live for about 5 to 6 years. They are known to be lively and friendly pets during this time.

Let’s see these facts in a table to get a better picture:

Bali DuckSizeWeightLifespan
MaleMedium6-7 pounds5-6 years
FemaleMedium5-6 pounds5-6 years

The table shows that Bali Ducks are just the right size. They fit well for anyone wanting a pet duck without needing a lot of space.

Now, let’s talk about how Bali Ducks behave and their personality in the next part.

Bali Duck Behavior and Temperament

Bali Ducks are famous for their friendly and interactive nature. They act calmly and can live in various places. This makes them a great fit for farms or city parks. People who love raising ducks often choose Bali Ducks because they’re so outgoing.

Not only are they sociable, but they also look unique. Their look and cultural value make them stand out. They get along well with people and other animals. You might see them hanging out with other ducks or pet dogs, creating a friendly atmosphere.

For those who care about ducks, saving the Bali Duck is crucial. They work hard to keep this breed going. Bali Ducks are special not just for how they look but also for how they act. Their behavior adds to their charm and helps keep their culture alive.

Bali Duck Uses and Practical Applications

Bali Ducks serve many purposes and can be found in a variety of places. Many people keep them as pets, for shows, and to beautify their gardens. They also have traits that make them good for certain jobs.

Egg Production

Bali Ducks, while not the top choice for eggs, do lay quite a few. They start producing eggs at six months and can lay 120 to 250 eggs each year.

Bali Ducks are good layers, but low hatch rates and potential deformities limit their use.

Meat Production

Usually, Bali Ducks are not raised for meat because they are quite light and not very meaty. Duck types like Pekins and Muscovies are bred more for their meat.

Uses as Yard Ornaments and Show Ducks

Bali Ducks are known for their beautiful looks. With a unique head crest and lovely colors, they’re popular for adding beauty to gardens or for use in ceremonies and cultural events.

“Bali Ducks are prized for their beauty and grace many temples and cultural events, enhancing the area’s elegance.”

In shows, they draw lots of attention for their stunning features. You can often see them in competitions and exhibitions, shining amongst other ducks.

Bali Ducks are more about looks and cultural meaning than being highly practical for food. Even so, they have a lasting appeal, attracting fans with their decorative value and symbolic importance.

Bali Duck Care and Maintenance

Keeping Bali Ducks healthy and happy requires careful attention to their needs. Providing the right care is essential for their well-being and happiness.

Housing and Basic Needs

Bali Ducks need a safe home with a large outdoor area. This allows them space to move around and find food. It is crucial to have a shelter that protects them from predators. The area should also have good air circulation and be warm during cold weather.

They must have clean water available at all times for bathing and feeding. This water needs to be changed often and kept at a suitable temperature.

Nutrition and Diet

What they eat is key to the Bali Ducks’ health. Their diet should include a mix of commercial feed, vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants.

Commercial feed for ducks is easy to find and has everything they need. Add greens like lettuce and spinach for vitamins and minerals. Insect treats and fresh aquatic plants make their diet more interesting and balanced.

Monitoring Health and Veterinary Care

Watching your ducks’ health is very important. Look out for any signs of illness or injury. It’s smart to have a vet who knows about bird care.

If your Bali Ducks show signs of health problems like breathing issues or strange behavior, get help from your vet quickly.

Bali Duck Care Checklist

AspectCare Checklist
Housing– Provide a secure and predator-proof enclosure
 – Ensure adequate ventilation and warmth
Water– Keep clean water available for swimming and feeding
Nutrition– Feed a balanced diet of commercial feed, vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants
 – Supplement with fresh greens, such as lettuce and spinach
 – Offer occasional treats like mealworms
Health– Monitor behavior, appetite, and appearance
 – Seek veterinary care for any concerns

Taking good care of your Bali Ducks will help them live long, happy lives.

Bali Duck Predation and Habitat Requirements

Bali Ducks are a special kind of duck from Bali, Indonesia. They are known for their pretty looks and cultural value. You can often see them in Bali’s gardens and temples. But they need protection from predators to stay safe.

Predator-Resistant Shelter: It’s key to have a strong shelter for Bali Ducks. This shelter must keep predators like raccoons and foxes away. It needs to have strong walls and a roof for the ducks to be safe.

Warm and Safe Enclosure: For Bali Ducks to be happy, they need a cozy spot. The enclosure should shield them from bad weather and stay warm inside. Good insulation and ventilation will make them comfortable all year.

Enclosure Size: The area where Bali Ducks live must be big enough. They need room to move freely and act naturally. Giving each duck about 10 square feet of space is a good idea.

Pond Requirements: Bali Ducks love having a pond to swim and eat in. The pond should be spacious and full of clean water. It must be free from anything that could harm the ducks.

Pond Cleaning: Keeping the pond clean is a must. This keeps the ducks healthy and happy. Regular cleaning, like removing debris and algae, is important to their well-being.

Owners can make their Bali Ducks safe and comfortable by following these tips. Regular pond cleaning is vital for the ducks’ health. Providing the right protection and care is key to keeping this important duck breed thriving.

Predator-Resistant ShelterSecure walls and roof
Warm and Safe EnclosureProper insulation and ventilation
Enclosure SizeAt least 10 square feet per duck
Pond RequirementsSpacious and clean water
Pond CleaningRegular removal of debris and contaminants

Pros and Cons of Keeping Bali Ducks

Keeping Bali Ducks can bring joy, but it includes both good and bad sides. Their friendly and social attitude wins hearts. They bond quickly with people, making excellent companions. Bali Ducks are also smart and versatile. They can even help with herding.

Yet, there are things to keep in mind. Bali Ducks need certain pond sizes and group numbers. They love room to move and clean water. This helps keep them happy and lets them act naturally.

Bali Ducks’ ways of breeding are special. They stay with one partner for a breeding season. Their kids need a lot of care because they’re fragile. Knowing about Bali duck breeding is key to success.

Before getting Bali Ducks, think about the good and the not-so-good. They bring friendship, can work, and are smart. But, they need careful attention, the right home, and an understanding of their breeding. Make a smart choice by considering all these points.


What are the characteristics and history of Bali ducks?

Bali ducks come from the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia. They stand out with a crest of feathers on their heads. Most likely, they were created by mixing different local duck species.These ducks are mainly kept for their looks. You’ll often find them in sacred areas or decorative gardens. They made their way to the UK in the 1920s. But it was the 1980s when their fame really took off.

What do Bali ducks look like?

These ducks are a bit rounded with short necks and broad heads. They have unique headfeathers. These feathers can be in different shapes and sizes.Most of them are white. But you can also find them in brown, mallard, and other patterns. Bali ducks stand out with their yellow-orange beaks, blue eyes, and vibrant orange legs.

How big do Bali ducks get?

Males weigh between six to seven pounds. Females are a bit lighter, at five to six pounds. They’re not the biggest, and their lifespan is about 5 to 6 years. Compared to other ducks, Bali ducks are on the smaller side.

What is the behavior and temperament of Bali ducks?

Bali ducks are gentle and get along well with people. They’re friendly and like to spend time with others. This makes them a good choice for various living situations. They’re calm and can fit into many different places.

What are the uses of Bali ducks?

Bali ducks are often for shows and as pets. They add beauty to cultural and religious events. Despite being good layers, their eggs don’t hatch well. They’re not known for meat either.

How do I care for Bali ducks?

Good care is key to keeping Bali ducks healthy. They need a safe place to live with room to move. Clean water is a must for them. A diet of commercial feed, veggies, and bugs keeps them happy.Regular health checks and vet visits are important. Their diet and living space should always be in good condition.

How do I protect Bali ducks from predation?

Bali ducks need protection from predators. A safe shelter and a clean, warm space are essential. They also must have a pond. Keeping the pond clean will help keep the ducks healthy.

What are the pros and cons of keeping Bali ducks?

The good thing about Bali ducks is that they’re loving and can be trained. They need a pond and prefer to be in groups. Caring for their young takes extra effort.It’s important to weigh the good and the bad before getting these ducks.