Black East Indian Duck Characteristics, History and Care Guide

Welcome to our detailed guide on Black East Indian ducks. This is the perfect spot for seasoned duck lovers and those curious about these unique birds. Here, we will look into the traits, history, and caring for Black East Indian ducks, or Indian Runner ducks, as they are known. Let’s explore the intriguing world of these ducks.

Xzuzana, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Key Takeaways

  • Black East Indian ducks, also known as Indian Runner ducks, are a popular ornamental breed known for their beauty and elegance.
  • They have a distinctive appearance with iridescent plumage and a racier build compared to Call ducks.
  • Black East Indian ducks have a calm and sociable temperament, making them a favorite among duck enthusiasts.
  • They are good egg layers, with mature hens producing between 40 to 100 eggs annually.
  • Care and maintenance of Black East Indian ducks involve providing a warm enclosure, clean water, and a balanced diet.

Black East Indian duck Physical Features and Appearance

Black East Indian ducks stand out with their shiny, bronzish to green feathers on top. Their underparts are green to gray. They boast medium-length, straight black bills. Their legs may be black or gray.

The female ducks lighten up to white as they grow older. Yet, they can have ducklings in black or purple and black colors when paired with a young drake. Unlike Call ducks, they have a sleeker form. By maturity, a hen weighs about 22 ounces.

Black East Indian duck Behavior and Temperament

Black East Indian ducks are loved for being calm, friendly, and at times, shy. Their sweet and sociable character is a hit with those who love ducks. They’re quieter than many other breeds, fitting well in places with noise rules, like towns.

These ducks aren’t just good company; they’re great flyers too. They can even fly south for the winter. But, remember they might fly off if they have places they’d rather be, unless their wings are kept trimmed. So, it’s something to think about if you want them to stay close.

They love being with other ducks, finding joy in a flock. Together, they do things like preen and look for food. For Black East Indian ducks, socializing with their friends is key to staying happy.

“Black East Indian ducks are known for their calm and friendly demeanor, making them a favorite among duck enthusiasts.”

These ducks are pretty tough, not getting sick or bothered by bugs easily. They do well in lots of places. But, they still need good care, like health check-ups and a clean place to live. This keeps them healthy.

Overall, Black East Indian ducks are a wonderful choice for anyone wanting ducks. Their friendly and peaceful ways, along with their unique look, make them a top pick, whether for show or as pets.

Black East Indian duck Egg Production and Reproduction

Black East Indian ducks are great at laying eggs. A mature hen from this breed can lay 40 to 100 eggs in a year. This makes them very useful for egg production.

These duck eggs are special because they start as dark gray or black. Then, they change color to a pretty green or blue. This color change makes collecting the eggs fun.

Black East Indian ducks are also good moms. They can sit on their eggs for about 28 days. They take care of the eggs very well.

When hens are laying eggs, they might decide to hatch them. This is called going broody. To help them, it’s important to provide a quiet place with soft bedding where these hens can be comfortable.

What’s amazing is that these ducks can lay eggs for many years, up to eight or nine years. Their long life means they keep producing eggs. This makes them a smart choice for anyone who wants a constant supply of eggs.

But, mixing Black East Indian ducks with other breeds is not a good idea. It can cause problems for the ducks’ health and safety. So, it’s best to keep their breed pure.

Black East Indian duck Care and Maintenance

Taking good care of Black East Indian ducks is very important. They need a safe and warm place to live. By giving them space and meeting their needs, you help these pretty creatures stay healthy.


Your Black East Indian ducks need a cozy home. Their house should be big enough for them to move and feel safe. A small enclosure can work if it feels like a natural flock setting.


Clean water is a must for these ducks. They enjoy swimming in a pond or baby pool. This keeps them healthy and lets them act as they would in nature. Don’t forget to clean the water often to keep bacteria away.


Feeding your ducks properly is crucial for their health. They should eat a variety of grains, greens, and proteins. High-quality duck feed can also be part of their diet for the best nutrition.

Wing Clipping

Since Black East Indian ducks can fly well, clipping their wings is important. This keeps them safe and nearby. Make sure you know how to clip their wings right. Or ask someone who does to avoid any harm.

De-worming and Parasite Control

Keep your ducks healthy by protecting them from worms and parasites. Talk to a vet for advice on deworming and the right kind of parasite control. This will keep your ducks in top shape.

Bedding Area

Keep your ducks’ bedding clean and dry. Change it often to stop bacteria from growing. This simple step helps your ducks stay happy and healthy.

Taking care of Black East Indian ducks takes work but it’s worth it. A good home, clean water, a healthy diet, and regular care keep them in great shape. This means they’re happy too.

Black East Indian duck Uses and Pros/Cons

Black East Indian ducks have many uses. They are great for looks, shows, or as pets. Even though they’re small and not often used for meat, those who enjoy their meat love its unique taste.

These ducks are expert foragers. They love hunting for insects and pests, which means they help in gardens. Their hunting keeps plants healthy and pests away.

They are also very calm and like being around people. Duck fans often choose them for their peaceful presence in the flock.

Advantages of Black East Indian ducks:

  • Ornamental beauty
  • Flavorful meat
  • Good foragers, aiding in pest control
  • Calm and sociable temperament

But, there are things to think about with Black East Indian ducks. Because they can fly, you need to trim their wings. This keeps them safe and with you. It’s regular work, but important for their well-being.

Their size means they don’t produce much meat. If you want ducks for meat mainly, bigger breeds are better.

Disadvantages of Black East Indian ducks:

  • Requirement for wing clipping
  • Limited meat production

Despite this, Black East Indian ducks are beautiful and helpful friends. They make any place they are in look better. Taking care of them properly showcases their best features.

Black East Indian duck Habitat and Predation Protection

Black East Indian ducks need a warm, safe spot. They should have a good amount of space to walk and look for food. This makes them feel at home and lets them act the way they should.

A pond or baby pool is vital for them. They need water to swim, clean themselves, and keep their noses wet. It’s important to keep the water and the area around it clean. This helps them stay healthy.

But, dangers like raccoons, foxes, and big birds can be a problem. So, it’s crucial to protect these ducks. Good fences, strong homes, or even electric fences can keep predators away.

Setting up a safe, cozy home for Black East Indian ducks matters a lot. When you know what they need and protect them well, they can be happy and safe.

Here’s a list showing what you need for a good Black East Indian duck home:

EnclosureA warm, big space for the ducks to explore and find food.
Water SourceA pond or baby pool they can swim in and keep wet noses.
HygieneKeeping their water and the area clean is a must for their health.
Predator ProtectionStrong fencing, secure homes, or ways to stop predators keep ducks safe.

The right habitat helps your Black East Indian ducks stay safe and happy. It lets them be their true, natural selves.

Black East Indian duck Conservation Status and Exhibition

The Black East Indian duck is not endangered, but it is rare. This makes its conservation important. Organizations work hard to protect this special breed. They are known for their beautiful looks and unique traits.

This duck’s history goes back to the late 19th century when it was popular among farmers. Over time, more people came to love them because of their unique looks.

Black East Indian ducks are known for their shiny feathers and their calm nature. People love to see them at shows. These events help educate the public about these birds. By doing this, we can help protect them and promote safe breeding practices.


What are some other names for Black East Indian ducks?

They’re called Indian Runner ducks too.

Are Black East Indian ducks a domestic type?

Yes, they’re a friendly domestic breed.

What is the scientific name for Black East Indian ducks?

Anas platyrhynchos is their special scientific name.

What is the breed history of Black East Indian ducks?

They began in the late 19th Century in the USA. Various groups have since recognized them.

What are the physical features of Black East Indian ducks?

These ducks shine with bronzish-green plumage. They have medium-length black bills and either black or gray legs.

What is the lifespan of Black East Indian ducks?

These ducks can live for about 10 years.

What is the behavior and temperament of Black East Indian ducks?

They are calm and friendly, but sometimes act shy. They enjoy the company of other ducks.

How many eggs do Black East Indian ducks lay annually?

They can lay 40 to 100 eggs each year.

How long is the incubation period for Black East Indian duck eggs?

Their eggs take around 28 days to hatch.

How many ducks should be kept together in a group?

To keep them happy, have at least three together.

What are the care requirements for Black East Indian ducks?

They need a warm, safe place and clean water. A good, balanced diet is key. Remember to clip their wings and de-worm them.

What are the uses of Black East Indian ducks?

They’re great as pets or for looking pretty. They also keep the garden free of pests.

What is the conservation status of Black East Indian ducks?

They’re not endangered but are rare. People are working to protect and increase their numbers.

Can Black East Indian ducks be exhibited in shows?

Yes, they’re often in shows thanks to their striking looks and qualities.