Call Duck Characteristics, History and Care Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Call Ducks, the lovable and compact little ducks that have captured the hearts of duck enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating history of the Call Duck breed, their unique characteristics, and essential care tips to ensure their well-being. Whether you’re interested in Call Ducks for hunting, showing, or simply enjoy their human companionship, this guide is your go-to resource!

Clément Bardot, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Key Takeaways:

  • Call Ducks are a bantam breed known for their compact size and adorable appearance.
  • They have a rich hunting history, having been used as decoy ducks to attract wildfowl to traps.
  • Call Ducks are well-suited for human companionship and are known for their friendly and docile temperament.
  • They come in various colors and are a popular choice for showing in exhibitions.
  • Proper care, including appropriate housing, diet, and socialization, is crucial for keeping Call Ducks happy and healthy.

The Hunting History of The Call Duck

The Call Duck is believed to be a descendant of the Mallard duck and was first developed in Asia before being imported to the Netherlands. It was initially known as the Coy Duck or the Decoy Duck due to its purpose as a hunting tool.

The loud, high-pitched vocalization of the Call Duck, often referred to as a duck call, was used by hunters to attract wildfowl to traps. The Call Duck’s unique quack acted as a lure, drawing in other ducks towards the decoy set by hunters.

This method of hunting utilizing the Call Duck as a decoy was particularly effective as it played on the natural instinct of ducks to gather in large groups for safety. The presence of the Call Duck, with its loud and distinctive call, would entice other ducks into thinking it was a safe place to land.

“The Call Duck’s vocalization was a powerful tool for hunters, as it could be heard from afar, attracting wildfowl towards the trap. It was a strategic hunting technique that relied on the natural behavior of ducks.”

However, over time, the use of Call Ducks for hunting has been banned in most regions due to conservation concerns and the need to protect wild waterfowl populations. Hunting regulations have become more stringent, and the focus has shifted towards conservation and sustainable use of the natural resources.

Today, the Call Duck’s hunting history remains a fascinating part of its lineage, showcasing its versatility and unique characteristics as both a hunting tool and a beloved domesticated breed.

The Call Duck’s Appearance

When it comes to appearance, the Call Duck is often compared to a plush stuffed toy. Its compact size and adorable body make it irresistibly cute. With its short beak and Bantam breed characteristics, the Call Duck embodies compact cuteness.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Call Duck’s appearance is its color variety. While black and white are common, there are also apricot, bibbed, blue-fawn, dark-silver, magpie, pied, silver, and other color variations, adding to their charm and uniqueness. The strikingly black or dark brown eyes of the Call Duck only enhance their appeal.

To give you a better visual understanding, here is a simple breakdown of the Call Duck’s appearance:

BodyCompact and adorable, resembling a plush stuffed toy
BeakShort and in proportion with its Bantam breed size
ColorVarious colors are available, including black and white, apricot, bibbed, blue-fawn, dark-silver, magpie, pied, silver, and more
EyesStrikingly black or dark brown, adding to their overall charm

Can You Eat Call Duck Eggs?

Call Ducks are known to be fair layers of eggs, producing approximately 50-150 eggs per year. If you’re wondering whether you can eat Call Duck breed eggs, the answer is yes! Although not as large as standard-sized duck eggs, Call Duck eggs can still be enjoyed for eating.

Call Duck eggs come in a variety of colors including white, light green, and sometimes blue. Their unique colors add a touch of charm to any dish. While the size may be smaller, the flavor and nutritional value of Call Duck eggs are just as delightful.

What’s more, Call Duck hens are also excellent mothers. They have a tendency to go broody, which means they happily sit on their eggs to keep them warm and incubate them. When the ducklings hatch, the mother duck will raise them with care and affection.

So, whether you’re looking to enjoy a delicious meal or embark on the journey of raising adorable ducklings, Call Duck breed eggs are a fantastic choice.

Table: Nutritional Comparison of Call Duck Eggs vs. Standard-Sized Duck Eggs

EggProtein (g)Fat (g)Calories
Call Duck Egg6.96.587
Standard-Sized Duck Egg9.69.2130

The Temperament of the Call Duck

Call Ducks are renowned for their sweet and docile nature, making them the perfect choice for families with children. These compact and adorable ducks have friendly and amicable personalities that are well-suited for young ones seeking a feathered companion. Despite their small size, Call Ducks are active and highly engaging, providing endless entertainment for both children and adults alike. They are curious and love to explore their surroundings, making them an active and lively addition to any household.

Call Ducks are not flighty like some other duck breeds, which makes them easy to handle and raise as pets. Their gentle demeanor and calm temperament make them ideal for children, as they can be safely handled and enjoyed with minimal fuss. Children can develop a strong bond with these delightful ducks, nurturing a sense of responsibility and compassion while experiencing the joys of pet ownership.

It’s important to note, however, that Call Ducks are also known for their noisy nature. With their loud, high-pitched calls, they can create quite a commotion in their surroundings. While this may be endearing to some, it may not be suitable for those living in urban settings or noise-sensitive environments. Their vocal nature is part of their charm but should be considered when deciding to keep them as pets.

Overall, Call Ducks offer a unique blend of sweet temperament, activity, and child-friendly characteristics, making them a delightful choice for families and individuals seeking a lively and engaging pet.

Hot or Cold Hardy Call Ducks

Call Ducks are a versatile breed that can adapt to varying climates, making them suitable for both hot and cold environments. Their unique attributes enable them to thrive in different temperature conditions.

Cold Hardy Call Ducks

In cold climates, Call Ducks are well-equipped to withstand harsh winter conditions. They have a thick layer of fat, which acts as insulation and helps to keep them warm. In addition, their feathers are dense and provide excellent insulation against the cold.

“Call Ducks have a thick layer of fat and dense feathers, which provide insulation against cold temperatures.”

With proper shelter, food, and access to water, Call Ducks can easily tolerate winter temperatures. They are known for their resilience, making them a reliable choice for cold regions.

Hot Climate Adaptability

Call Ducks are not only cold hardy but can also adapt well to hot climates. However, it is essential to provide them with the necessary resources to stay cool.

One of the key considerations in hot climates is ensuring that Call Ducks have access to water. They utilize water to regulate their body temperature and prevent overheating. A shallow pool or a water source should be readily available to them. This allows them to take regular dips, reducing their body temperature and avoiding heat stress.

“Call Ducks need access to water in hot climates to regulate their body temperature and avoid heat stress.”

Providing shade is another crucial factor in hot climates. Call Ducks should have access to sheltered areas where they can seek shade and protect themselves from direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day.

By ensuring adequate access to water and providing appropriate shade, Call Ducks can adapt well to hot climates.

ColdHighly cold hardy with fat layer and thick feathers
HotAdaptable with access to water and shade

With their ability to thrive in different climates, Call Ducks make an excellent choice for duck enthusiasts regardless of the prevailing environmental conditions.

Can You Free-Range a Call Duck?

Call Ducks can be free-ranged as long as they have been trained to return home each night. They have good flying abilities, so it’s important to ensure their enclosure has a roof or netted top to prevent them from escaping.

While Call Ducks are inclined to stay close to home if they know where their food, water, and shelter are, it’s crucial to consider the presence of local predators, as Call Ducks are vulnerable due to their small size.

To train Call Ducks to return home, it’s best to start by introducing them to their enclosure and feeding them inside to create a sense of familiarity. Gradually increase their time outside the enclosure while monitoring them closely. Call Ducks are intelligent and can be trained to understand cues or commands for returning home.

When constructing their enclosure, it’s essential to consider the flight ability of Call Ducks and ensure that they cannot fly over fences. A netted top or a roof made of wire mesh should be installed to prevent them from escaping and protect them from potential predators such as raccoons, foxes, or birds of prey.

It’s also important to provide ample space within the enclosure for Call Ducks to roam and exercise. A minimum of 10 square feet per duck is recommended to ensure their well-being.

Here is an example of a suitable enclosure for free-ranging Call Ducks:

Enclosure Requirements for Free-Range Call Ducks
1. Secure fence or walls to prevent escape
2. Roof or netted top to prevent flying over
3. Ample space for exercise (minimum 10 square feet per duck)
4. Access to fresh water for swimming
5. Shaded areas to protect from extreme heat
6. Vegetation or hiding spots for enrichment

By following these guidelines and considering the specific needs of Call Ducks, you can safely free-range them while providing a secure and enriching environment.

What are Call Ducks Bred For?

While Call Ducks were initially bred for hunting purposes, they have become more popular as a show breed and as pets. They are considered one of the most popular show breeds, having won numerous championships. Their adorable appearance, friendly temperament, and versatility make them a sought-after breed for various purposes, including showing, breeding, and simply enjoying as pets.

If you’re considering getting Call Ducks, you’ll be fascinated by their history and amazed by their charming characteristics. Let’s explore their journey from hunting companions to beloved show ducks and delightful pets.

The Hunting Origins

The story of Call Ducks begins with their role as hunting companions. These ducks were bred specifically for their ability to lure other wildfowl during hunting expeditions. Their distinctive high-pitched call was used to attract and confuse their fellow ducks, making it easier for hunters to capture or shoot the targeted birds.

“Call Ducks were the secret weapon of hunters – their loud call acted as a natural decoy, tempting other ducks and leading them into the hunters’ trap.” – Mark Adams, Duck Hunting Expert

However, as hunting practices changed and conservation concerns grew, the use of Call Ducks for hunting became less common. Instead, they found a new purpose in the world of shows and exhibitions, where their unique talents and beauty could be appreciated by enthusiasts.

A Popular Show Breed

Call Ducks quickly gained popularity as a show breed due to their stunning appearance and delightful demeanor. Breeders started to focus on developing Call Ducks with specific traits that would make them stand out in the show ring. Today, Call Ducks are recognized by various poultry associations and have won numerous championships for their exceptional qualities.

When it comes to show criteria, Call Ducks are judged based on factors such as their size, color, feather quality, and overall conformation. Breeders carefully select and breed ducks that exhibit the desired characteristics, leading to the creation of visually striking and genetically exceptional show birds.

A Beloved Pet

Not only are Call Ducks admired for their showmanship, but they also make wonderful pets. Their small size, friendly temperament, and adaptability to various living environments have endeared them to duck enthusiasts around the world.

As pets, Call Ducks bring joy and companionship to their owners. They can be easily tamed and trained, forming strong bonds with their human companions. Whether living in a backyard or on a small farm, Call Ducks thrive when provided with a safe and stimulating environment.

“Call Ducks are not only beautiful to look at, but they also have such friendly personalities. They quickly become part of the family and bring so much happiness to our lives.” – Sarah Thompson, Call Duck Owner

If you’re considering adding a Call Duck to your family, you’ll be delighted by their presence and entertained by their amusing antics. Just remember to provide them with the proper care, including a balanced diet, access to water, and a comfortable living space.

Who Are Call Ducks Best For

Call Ducks are a versatile breed that appeals to a wide range of enthusiasts. Their small size and amicable nature make them particularly well-suited for children, providing a great opportunity for kids to learn about responsible pet ownership and build a bond with their feathered friend. Call Ducks also capture the attention of those interested in showing and breeding ducks, as their unique appearance and charm make them popular in exhibition circles.

However, it’s important to consider their loud call when deciding if Call Ducks are suitable for your environment. Their high-pitched vocalization can be disruptive, especially in urban settings where neighbors may not appreciate the noise. Before bringing Call Ducks into your home, it’s essential to have open communication with your neighbors and ensure they are comfortable with the loud calls that come with these adorable ducks.

Key Points:

  • Call Ducks are a versatile breed that appeals to different types of enthusiasts.
  • They are well-suited for children due to their small size and friendly nature.
  • Call Ducks are popular among individuals interested in showing and breeding ducks.
  • Their loud call may not be suitable for urban environments, so it’s important to consider your neighbors’ preferences.

Before we move on, let’s take a moment to appreciate the adorable appearance of a Call Duck. Look at this cute little guy!

TemperamentFriendly and amicable
UsesShowing, breeding, and as pets
Noise LevelLoud, high-pitched call

Australian Call

The Australian Call duck is a separate breed that originated in Southern Australia. Distinct from the Call ducks found in the rest of the world, the Australian Call is known for its larger size. This unique breed showcases a variety of standardized color varieties, adding to its appeal as a sought-after duck breed.

Color VarietiesDescription
Apricot MallardApricot-colored feathers with mallard markings
Apricot SilverApricot-colored feathers with silver markings
BibbedFeathers with distinct bib markings on the chest
Blue MallardBlue-colored feathers with mallard markings
Blue SilverBlue-colored feathers with silver markings
Dusky MallardDusky-colored feathers with mallard markings
MagpieDistinct black and white feathers, resembling a magpie
MallardClassic mallard-colored feathers
Pied MallardFeathers with a combination of white and mallard markings
SilverFeathers with a stunning silver color
WhitePure white feathers

The Australian Call breed showcases a stunning array of color varieties, each adding its own charm to these larger-sized ducks. Whether it’s the apricot tones of the Apricot Mallard or the black and white contrast of the Magpie, each color variety has its unique appeal.


In summary, Call Ducks are a delightful breed of compact-sized ducks known for their adorable appearance and versatile nature. With a fascinating history rooted in their origins as hunting decoys, Call Ducks have evolved into beloved pets, show birds, and exhibition subjects. Their sweet temperament, unique colors, and small size make them a popular choice for duck enthusiasts of all ages.

By following proper care guidelines and providing a suitable environment, Call Ducks can thrive and bring joy to their owners. These charming ducks require attention and care, including a balanced diet, regular veterinary check-ups, and access to clean water. It’s also important to consider their housing needs, such as providing a secure enclosure or coop to protect them from predators.

Whether you are interested in keeping Call Ducks as pets, showcasing them in exhibitions, or simply enjoying their company, these captivating birds offer endless delight. With their history, distinctive characteristics, and comprehensive care guide, you can embark on a fulfilling journey with Call Ducks and create a rewarding bond with these adorable creatures.


Are Call Ducks noisy?

Yes, Call Ducks are known for their noisy nature and loud, high-pitched calls.

Are Call Ducks messy?

Like most ducks, Call Ducks can be messy due to their water-loving nature, but regular cleaning and maintenance can help keep their living area tidy.

Are Call Ducks smart?

Call Ducks are known for their intelligence and can be easily trained.

Do Call Ducks need a friend?

While Call Ducks can be kept alone, they thrive in the company of other ducks or poultry.

Do Call Ducks need a pond?

While Call Ducks enjoy access to water for swimming, they can also be kept in a properly designed enclosure with a pool or shallow water source.

Do ducks get attached to humans?

Ducks, including Call Ducks, can form attachments to humans if they receive consistent care and attention.

How long do Call Ducks live?

Call Ducks have an average lifespan of 5-10 years, but with proper care, they can live longer.

How many Call Ducks should I get?

It is recommended to start with at least two Call Ducks, as they are social animals and enjoy the company of their own kind.

What do you feed Call Ducks?

Call Ducks can be fed a balanced diet of commercial duck pellets, fresh vegetables, and access to clean water.

What is the best color for Call Ducks?

The best color for Call Ducks is subjective and depends on personal preference. Call Ducks come in various colors, including black and white, apricot, blue-fawn, and more.

What months do Call Ducks lay eggs?

Call Ducks typically start laying eggs in the spring and continue throughout the summer months.