German Pekin Duck Characteristics, History and Care Guide

German Pekin ducks, also known as White Pekin ducks or American Pekin ducks, are the most popular domestic duck breed in the United States. They have a rich history that dates back over 4,500 years, with their origins in China.

Kenballinger, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The breed was introduced to the U.S. in 1873 and quickly gained popularity. German Pekin ducks are a domestic type of duck and belong to the species Anas platyrhynchos domestica. They are known for their large size, white plumage, and gentle temperament.

Key Takeaways:

  • German Pekin ducks have a long history that starts in China and dates back over 4,500 years.
  • They are the most popular domestic duck breed in the United States.
  • German Pekin ducks are a domestic type of duck and belong to the species Anas platyrhynchos domestica.
  • They are known for their large size, white plumage, and gentle temperament.
  • German Pekin ducks were introduced to the U.S. in 1873 and quickly gained popularity.

German Pekin Duck Characteristics and Physical Appearance

German Pekin ducks have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other duck breeds. They are known for their shoebox body shape, tilted at a 40° angle, which is unique to this breed. These ducks are large in size, with males weighing around 9-10 pounds and females weighing around 8-9 pounds.

The most striking feature of German Pekin ducks is their creamy white plumage, which gives them a clean and elegant appearance. Their feathers are soft and provide excellent insulation, keeping them warm in various weather conditions. Complementing their plumage, these ducks have orangey yellow bills and feet that add a vibrant touch to their overall physical appearance. Their deep blue eyes, combined with their white feathers, create a stunning visual contrast.

While German Pekin ducks are best known for their signature white color, it’s worth mentioning that there are other color variations available in certain regions. Breeders and conservationists are working to restore these color variations, offering more diversity within the breed. However, the pristine whiteness of German Pekin ducks remains their most iconic feature.

Detailed Physical Features of German Pekin Ducks

Physical FeatureDescription
Body ShapeShoebox-shaped body tilted at a 40° angle.
SizeMales weigh around 9-10 pounds, and females weigh around 8-9 pounds.
PlumageCreamy white feathers that provide insulation.
Bill and FeetOrangey yellow bills and feet.
EyesDeep blue eyes, enhancing their visual appeal.
Color VariationsAlthough primarily white, there are other color variations being restored.

German Pekin Duck Behavior and Temperament

German Pekin ducks are renowned for their friendly and outgoing behavior. They thrive in social settings and enjoy the company of other ducks, making them easily adaptable to flock environments. These ducks have a calm and docile temperament, which makes them an ideal choice for individuals of all ages, including families with children.

Due to their gentle nature, German Pekin ducks are generally well-behaved and get along harmoniously with other poultry species. They seldom display aggression and rarely engage in fights among themselves. This peaceful demeanor ensures a pleasant and cooperative atmosphere within the flock.

German Pekin ducks’ outgoing and sociable nature is one of their most endearing traits. Whether waddling around a backyard pond or mingling with other farm animals, these ducks thrive on social interactions. Their curious and friendly disposition makes them a delightful addition to any poultry community.

German Pekin Duck Uses and Care

German Pekin ducks have various uses, including meat production, egg production, and as pets. They are often raised for their high-quality meat, taking advantage of their large size and efficient food-to-meat conversion rate. German Pekin ducks can also be trained and herded, making them valuable in certain agricultural practices.

When it comes to caring for German Pekin ducks, it is important to meet their basic needs and provide proper attention. Their care includes husbandry, maintenance, and monitoring their health. Providing a balanced diet is essential for their well-being. This includes a mix of commercial feed, vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants.

Regular feeding and watering are crucial aspects of their care. Ensuring access to clean water at all times is essential for their health and proper hydration. German Pekin ducks are susceptible to predation, so it’s important to provide them with predator-resistant shelter to protect them from potential threats.

German Pekin Duck Nutrition and Diet

German Pekin ducks have specific dietary requirements that must be met to support their growth and well-being. Their diet should be a balanced mix of:

  • Commercial feed
  • Vegetables
  • Insect larvae
  • Aquatic plants

A regular feeding schedule should be followed, ensuring that the ducks receive the necessary nutrients. Commercial feed formulated specifically for ducks is readily available and provides a convenient option for meeting their dietary needs. Supplementing their diet with fresh vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants helps to provide variety and ensure a well-rounded nutritional intake.

Regular Feeding and Watering

Regular and consistent feeding and watering schedules are important for maintaining the health and well-being of German Pekin ducks. Ducks should have access to food and water at all times to meet their nutritional and hydration needs. It’s crucial to ensure that the feed and water provided are clean and free from contaminants.

German Pekin ducks should have constant access to clean water for drinking and bathing. A reliable source of clean, freshwater should be provided to them throughout the day. Ducks have a natural inclination to explore and interact with water, so it’s important to fulfill this need to ensure their overall happiness and well-being.

German Pekin Duck Predation and Shelter

German Pekin ducks are susceptible to predation and must be protected from potential threats. Establishing predator-resistant shelter is essential for their safety and well-being. The shelter should be designed and constructed in a way that prevents predators from accessing the ducks.

Predation protection measures can include:

  • Secure fencing to prevent access
  • Using motion sensor lights to deter nocturnal predators
  • Installing predator-proof netting or wire mesh
  • Ensuring the shelter is raised off the ground to discourage burrowing

By implementing these measures, German Pekin ducks can be kept safe and sound, allowing them to thrive in their environment.

German Pekin Duck Reproduction and Breeding

German Pekin ducks are fascinating creatures capable of reproduction and breeding. They follow a specific timeline during their breeding season and exhibit monogamous behavior. Let’s dive into the details of German Pekin duck reproduction and breeding.

Reproduction Timeline

German Pekin ducks are monogamous for one breeding season, typically from spring to early summer. During this time, they develop mating pairs and engage in courtship rituals. The female ducks, known as hens, will lay eggs for incubation.

Egg Hatch Details

The eggs laid by German Pekin ducks require a specific amount of time to hatch. The incubation period for these eggs is approximately 28 days. It is crucial to provide the necessary environment and conditions for successful hatching.

Breeding and Genetics

Breeding German Pekin ducks involves careful consideration of genetics and desired traits. Breeders aim to produce offspring with specific characteristics, such as plumage color, size, and temperament. By selectively breeding ducks with desirable traits, breeders contribute to the improvement and preservation of the breed.

Going to Brood and Brood Size

When the female ducks go to brood, they become dedicated to nesting and caring for their eggs. They create a safe and comfortable nest, often found in secluded locations. The brood size can vary, with the average clutch size ranging from 6 to 12 eggs.

Egg Hatching TimeApproximately 28 days
Incubation MethodNatural incubation or artificial incubators
Ideal Incubation ConditionsTemperature: 99.5°F (37.5°C), Humidity: 55-65%
Brood Size Range6 to 12 eggs (average)

Raising German Pekin Ducklings

Raising German Pekin ducklings requires attentive care and proper nutrition. Ducklings should have access to a balanced diet consisting of commercial feed, vegetables, and insect larvae. Adequate space, warmth, and clean water are essential for their healthy growth and development.

Population of German Pekin Ducks

The population of German Pekin ducks is dependent on the efforts of breeders and conservation initiatives. These ducks are beloved for their characteristics and contribute to the diversity of domestic duck breeds. Conservation efforts help ensure the preservation and availability of German Pekin ducks for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

German Pekin Duck Care Guide and Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance are crucial for ensuring the well-being of German Pekin ducks. To meet their basic needs, it is essential to provide them with a warm and safe enclosure, ensuring they have access to clean water, and maintaining clean bedding for their comfort. German Pekin ducks have specific habitat requirements, so it’s important to provide them with an enclosure of the appropriate size and a pond.

Regular feeding and watering are essential for the health of German Pekin ducks. Their diet should include a balanced mix of commercial feed, vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients. Monitoring their health and consulting with a veterinarian is also important to catch any potential issues early on and provide them with the necessary veterinary care.

Keeping German Pekin ducks has its pros and cons. Some advantages include their usefulness in meat and egg production, their friendly nature, and their suitability for various age groups. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as their susceptibility to predation and the need for specific care requirements. Before deciding to raise German Pekin ducks, it’s important to weigh these factors and make an informed decision.


What are some other names for German Pekin ducks?

German Pekin ducks are also known as White Pekin ducks or American Pekin ducks.

What is the scientific name of German Pekin ducks?

The scientific name of German Pekin ducks is Anas platyrhynchos domestica.

What is the history of the German Pekin duck breed?

The German Pekin duck breed has a rich history that dates back over 4,500 years, with its origins in China. The breed was introduced to the U.S. in 1873 and quickly gained popularity.

What are the characteristics and physical appearance of German Pekin ducks?

German Pekin ducks have a shoebox body shape tilted at a 40° angle. They are large ducks, with males weighing around 9-10 pounds and females weighing around 8-9 pounds. They have creamy white plumage, orangey yellow bills and feet, and deep blue eyes.

How do German Pekin ducks behave and what is their temperament like?

German Pekin ducks are known for their friendly and outgoing behavior. They are social animals that enjoy the company of other ducks. They have a calm and docile temperament, making them suitable for people of all ages.

What are the uses of German Pekin ducks and how should they be cared for?

German Pekin ducks have various uses, including meat production, egg production, and as pets. They require a balanced diet that includes commercial feed, vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants. Access to clean water is essential for their health. They are susceptible to predation and should be provided with predator-resistant shelter.

How do German Pekin ducks reproduce and breed?

German Pekin ducks are monogamous for one breeding season. The female ducks lay eggs, which have a specific hatch time and details. Breeding involves considerations of genetics and the desired traits for the offspring. The female ducks brood and care for their eggs until they hatch.

How should German Pekin ducks be cared for and what are their habitat requirements?

German Pekin ducks require a warm and safe enclosure, access to clean water, and regular feeding and watering. Their diet should consist of a balanced mix of commercial feed, vegetables, insect larvae, and aquatic plants. They require a predator-resistant shelter. Their habitat should include a pond, which needs to be cleaned regularly. Bedding should be kept clean to maintain their health.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping German Pekin ducks?

The advantages of keeping German Pekin ducks include their high-quality meat production, trainability, and docile temperament. However, disadvantages include their susceptibility to predation and the need for specialized care and maintenance.