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  • Little Pied Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The Little Pied Cormorant, scientifically known as Microcarbo melanoleucos, is a fascinating waterbird species found across various regions of Australia. These sleek birds are distinguishable by their black plumage on the upper body and white plumage on the lower body, with a dusky face. Adult Little Pied Cormorants have an additional speck of white plumage…

  • Indian Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The Indian cormorant, scientifically known as Phalacrocorax fuscicollis, is a medium-sized waterbird found mainly in the Indian Subcontinent. It can be easily distinguished from other similar cormorant species by its blue eyes, small head with a sloping forehead, and a long narrow bill with a hooked tip. The Indian cormorant is a gregarious species that…

  • White Breasted Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The White-breasted Cormorant (Phalacrocorax lucidus) is a species of cormorant closely related to the great cormorant. It is known for its distinctive white breast and preference for freshwater habitats. The taxonomy of the white-breasted cormorant has been subject to debate, with some considering it a distinct species and others viewing it as a regional variant…

  • Pelagic Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The pelagic cormorant is a fascinating and distinctive species of cormorant that can be found along the Pacific coast of North America. With its unique characteristics and intriguing behavior, the pelagic cormorant is a bird worth learning about. These birds have a striking appearance, with their black plumage adorned with glossy purple-green highlights. One distinct…

  • Little Black cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The Little Black Cormorant, scientifically known as Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, is a small, slim cormorant species found in Australia, Tasmania, Borneo, Java, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and various other locations in the Pacific region. It is distinguishable by its totally black plumage with a greenish sheen on the back and a slender grey hooked bill. During…

  • African Darter – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The African darter, scientifically known as Anhinga rufa, is a fascinating water bird that can be found in various parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Iraq. It belongs to the darter family, Anhingidae, and shares close kinship with other darter species found across different regions. One of the defining characteristics of the African darter is its…

  • Japanese Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    Welcome to our article on the Japanese Cormorant, an intriguing bird species that is known for its unique characteristics and fascinating behavior. In this section, we will explore the taxonomy, distribution, and habitat of this remarkable bird, as well as provide a detailed description of its physical characteristics. The Japanese Cormorant, scientifically known as Phalacrocorax…

  • Pygmy Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The Pygmy Cormorant, scientific name Microcarbo pygmaeus, is a small waterbird that belongs to the cormorant family. It is a monotypic species, meaning it is the only member of its genus. These fascinating birds are found in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, specifically breeding in wetlands with fresh water such as coastal deltas and well-vegetated…

  • Spectacled Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The spectacled cormorant (Phalacrocorax perspicillatus) was an extinct species of cormorant that belonged to the family Phalacrocoracidae. It was the only species in its genus and is commonly known for its unique appearance and interesting behaviors. This fascinating bird was once found in the subarctic coasts of northern Japan and the Kuril Islands. It inhabited…

  • Socotra Cormorant – Description, Characteristics and Facts

    The Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) is a threatened species of cormorant that is endemic to the Persian Gulf and the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Also known as the Socotran cormorant or Socotra shag, this bird is characterized by its striking appearance and interesting behaviors. The Socotra Cormorant is almost entirely black and measures…