Pekin Duck Characteristics, History and Care Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Pekin ducks! Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a first-time duck keeper, this article will provide you with valuable insights into the characteristics, history, and care of Pekin ducks.

Martin Backert, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Pekin ducks, also known as Long Island ducks, are a popular breed in the United States. Renowned for their versatility in both egg and meat production, they have earned a special place in the hearts of duck enthusiasts.

Originating in Southeast Asia, Pekin ducks have been domesticated for over 2,000 years. They have a distinctive appearance with white plumage, yellow bills, and a long, wide body. Pekin ducks are hardy birds that can adapt to various climates and have a strong immune system.

One of their standout characteristics is their friendly and non-aggressive behavior, making them ideal farm pets. If you’re considering keeping Pekin ducks, proper care is essential to ensure their well-being. Providing a warm and safe habitat, a nutritious diet, and access to water for swimming are crucial aspects of their care.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pekin ducks are a popular breed known for their multi-purpose use in egg and meat production.
  • They have a distinctive appearance with white plumage, yellow bills, and a long, wide body.
  • Pekin ducks are hardy birds that can tolerate cold climates and have a strong immune system.
  • They are friendly and non-aggressive, making them popular among duck enthusiasts.
  • Proper care involves providing a warm and safe habitat, a nutritious diet, and access to water for swimming.

Pekin Duck Physical Appearance

Pekin ducks, also known as White Pekin ducks, are easily recognized by their striking physical features. These ducks boast a large size and a distinctive creamy white plumage that gives them a clean and elegant appearance.

The plumage of Pekin ducks is dense and fluffy, contributing to their overall adorable and chubby appearance. Their feathers are soft and silky to the touch, providing them with insulation and buoyancy when swimming.

Pekin ducks have bright yellow-orange bills that stand out against their white feathers. Their bills are designed to efficiently forage for food, sift through soil and mud, and extract tiny aquatic organisms.

When it comes to size, female Pekin ducks typically weigh around 8-9 pounds, while males can reach approximately 9-10 pounds. However, there is a larger variety of Pekin ducks known as Jumbo Pekins, which can weigh up to an impressive 12 pounds. These ducks have a rectangular body shape and stand around 20 inches tall.

Pekin Duck Behavior and Temperament

Pekin ducks are known for their friendly and non-aggressive behavior. They can be petted and enjoy human interaction. Pekin ducks are excellent free rangers and have good foraging instincts. They are attentive mothers and help their ducklings learn survival skills. Pekin ducks can be noisy, especially when they want attention or need to be put up at night. They are generally calm and gentle birds, making them suitable for first-time duck keepers and families with children.

Pekin Duck Egg Production

Pekin ducks are excellent egg layers, known for their consistent egg production and high-quality eggs. Each hen can lay around 200 to 300 extra-large white eggs per year, making them a valuable choice for egg production. These ducks begin laying eggs at approximately five to six months of age, depending on their maturity and environmental conditions.

The eggs laid by Pekin ducks are renowned for their durability and remarkable quality. They typically weigh around three ounces and have a distinctive white color. Pekin duck eggs are favored by many due to their delicious taste and rich nutrient content. Whether used for cooking, baking, or as a protein-packed addition to meals, these eggs always deliver impressive results.

Pekin ducks have a unique egg-laying routine, often laying their eggs during the early morning hours. While they are not particularly broody, meaning they don’t have a strong inclination to sit on their eggs for extended periods to incubate them, they can still successfully hatch their eggs under the right conditions. However, for reliable and controlled hatching, an incubator is recommended.

Egg Size Comparison

Duck BreedAverage Egg Size
Pekin DuckExtra-Large (around 3 ounces)
Runner DuckLarge (around 2.2 ounces)
Muscovy DuckLarger than average (around 2.8 ounces)

When it comes to Pekin duck egg production, it’s important to provide the ducks with a comfortable environment that includes suitable nesting boxes or areas for egg laying. Regular collection of eggs helps maintain their freshness and minimizes the risk of accidental damage. Whether you’re a home cook or a commercial egg producer, Pekin duck eggs offer a remarkable combination of quantity and quality for all your culinary needs.

Pekin Duck Meat Production

Pekin ducks are highly sought after for their exceptional meat production capabilities. Their rapid growth rate and efficient feed-to-meat conversion make them one of the best multi-purpose meat and egg duck breeds in the industry.

The meat from Pekin ducks is renowned for its delicious flavor and tender texture, without the greasy characteristics often associated with other poultry. Whether roasted, grilled, or sautéed, Pekin duck meat is a culinary delight that satisfies even the most discerning palates.

One of the remarkable traits of Pekin ducks is their impressive growth rate. At just six weeks old, they can reach a butcher weight of six pounds, making them ideal for early market consumption. Additionally, jumbo Pekin ducks can achieve astonishing weights of up to 13.5 pounds by 12 weeks of age.

Pekin ducks have white feathers, which lend an attractive appearance to the finished carcass. Their white plumage, combined with their substantial size, makes them visually appealing and highly desirable in the meat market. Moreover, Pekin duck meat is considered dark meat, adding a unique flavor profile to various culinary creations.

Whether you’re running a commercial duck farm or simply raising ducks for personal consumption, Pekin ducks prove to be an excellent choice for meat production. Their rapid growth, flavorful meat, and appealing appearance make them a favorite among both producers and consumers.

Pekin Duck Care Guide

Proper care for Pekin ducks is essential for their health and well-being. To ensure they thrive, follow these guidelines:

1. Provide a warm and safe enclosure

Pekin ducks are sensitive to cold temperatures, so it’s important to provide them with a warm and secure enclosure or coop, especially during colder months. Insulate the coop to retain warmth and protect them from drafts.

2. Ensure access to clean water

Pekin ducks require access to clean drinking water at all times. In addition to drinking, ducks also need water for bathing and swimming. A pool or pond in their enclosure is beneficial for their overall health and enjoyment.

3. Feed a balanced diet

Feed your Pekin ducks a nutritious diet consisting of poultry feed or game bird feed. These feeds are specifically formulated to meet their dietary requirements. Ensure they have access to fresh water along with their regular feed. Additionally, you can supplement their diet with occasional treats like leafy greens and table scraps.

4. Provide a spacious enclosure

Pekin ducks are active foragers and enjoy roaming around. Their enclosure should be spacious enough to allow them to forage, explore, and exercise. This will help keep them physically and mentally stimulated.

5. Maintain clean bedding

Regularly clean and replace the bedding in their enclosure. This helps prevent the buildup of moisture, dirt, and waste, which can lead to health issues. Dry bedding promotes comfort and hygiene for your ducks.

By implementing these care practices, you can ensure that your Pekin ducks live a healthy and happy life.

Pekin Duck Breed History

The Pekin duck breed has a rich and fascinating history that spans over thousands of years. Records dating back 4,500 years provide evidence of this breed’s ancient origins. The Pekin duck was selectively bred by the Chinese, who utilized various domesticated duck breeds, including the Mallard, to create this unique breed known for its exceptional meat and egg production capabilities.

Pekin ducks were introduced to the United States in 1874, and it didn’t take long for them to gain immense popularity among farmers and duck enthusiasts. Their excellent meat quality and remarkable egg-laying abilities made them highly sought after for commercial purposes. Pekin ducks originated in China and were crossbred with Aylesbury waterfowl to achieve a desired standing posture, which further enhanced their appeal in the market.

Over time, Pekin ducks became the top meat duck breed in the United States, known for their rapid growth rate and flavorful, tender meat. Today, they are primarily bred in New York, where farmers continue to uphold the breed’s reputation and maintain its exceptional characteristics.

Historical Timeline of Pekin Duck Breed

2500 BCPekin ducks were selectively bred in China
1874Pekin ducks were introduced to the United States
18th centuryPekin ducks were further developed through crossbreeding with Aylesbury waterfowl
20th centuryPekin ducks became the top meat duck breed in the United States

The Pekin duck breed has a long and storied past, and its journey from China to the United States has shaped its reputation as one of the most versatile and productive duck breeds in the world.

Pekin Duck Habitat Requirements

Pekin ducks thrive in a warm and safe habitat that provides them with comfort and protection. While they do not necessarily require a pond, access to clean water for swimming or splashing is essential for their well-being. Ducks love water activities, and a pond or shallow pool allows them to engage in their natural behavior while keeping their feathers clean.

The housing for Pekin ducks should have clean and dry bedding to ensure their hygiene. This can be achieved by providing straw or wood shavings for them to nest and rest on. A well-ventilated and predator-proof coop or enclosure is necessary to keep them safe from predators and extreme weather conditions.

It is crucial to provide a spacious enclosure or run for Pekin ducks to roam, forage, and exercise. As active foragers, they will enjoy exploring their surroundings, searching for insects, grass, and other natural food sources. Engaging in these activities promotes their physical and mental well-being.

Access to water is vital for Pekin ducks, and they should have it available at all times. Ducks need water for drinking, washing their feathers, and maintaining proper hydration. They should not go more than eight hours without access to water. Additionally, water helps with digestion and keeps their nasal passages clear.

It’s important to note that ducklings should not be allowed in water until they are at least one month old. Their feathers need time to develop the necessary waterproofing properties, and exposing them to water too early may cause hypothermia or other health issues.

Expert Tip:

To provide Pekin ducks with a suitable habitat, consider building a dedicated duck house or modifying an existing structure to meet their needs. Ensure the space is well-insulated and includes proper ventilation to maintain optimum conditions. Don’t forget to include a pool or access to clean water for their enjoyment.

Pekin Duck Fun Facts

Learn some intriguing fun facts about Pekin ducks, a beloved breed known for their friendly demeanor, versatile abilities, and rich history.

  • Pekin ducks are popular farm pets due to their lovable nature and sociable personalities.
  • These adorable ducks have made appearances in popular culture, such as the iconic Donald Duck and memorable AFLAC commercials.
  • Pekin ducks are excellent foragers and possess natural free-ranging instincts, making them adept at finding food in their surroundings.
  • One fascinating characteristic of Pekin ducks is their ability to tolerate cold climates, which sets them apart from other duck breeds.

Fun fact: Pekin ducks were introduced to the United States in 1874 and quickly gained popularity due to their remarkable meat and egg production capabilities.

Pekin ducks are known for their gentle and non-aggressive behavior, making them ideal pets for families and first-time duck keepers.

  • These ducks are highly regarded for their high-quality meat and eggs, as well as their rapid growth rate, making them a preferred choice for meat production.

Did you know that Pekin ducks have a remarkable history that spans over 2,000 years? They have been extensively domesticated and have become one of the most cherished duck breeds worldwide.

Now let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of Pekin ducks with a delightful image:

Fun FactDescription
Pekin ducks can live up to 9-12 yearsThey are long-living ducks, providing enjoyment for many years.
Pekin ducks are excellent egg layersThey lay approximately 200 to 300 extra-large white eggs per year.
Pekin ducks have a friendly and sociable personalityThey enjoy human interaction and are great companions.


Pekin ducks are a popular breed known for their friendly temperament, meat, and egg production capabilities. These hardy birds can adapt to various climates, making them suitable for both rural and urban environments. Whether you have a small backyard farm or a large-scale operation, Pekin ducks are a versatile choice.

Proper care and maintenance are essential for keeping Pekin ducks happy and healthy. Provide them with a warm and safe habitat, ensuring they have access to clean water for swimming and splashing. Feeding them a nutritious diet will support their growth and maximize their egg-laying potential.

Pekin ducks have a long history of domestication and have remained a popular breed in the United States for over a century. Their multi-purpose use in meat and egg production, as well as their docile nature, have made them a favorite among duck enthusiasts. Their adaptability, high-quality meat, and prolific egg production set them apart from other breeds.

Whether you are new to duck keeping or experienced, Pekin ducks offer unique traits and characteristics that make them a beloved breed. From their friendly temperament to their reliable egg-laying abilities, Pekin ducks are sure to bring joy and productivity to any farm or backyard.


Are Pekin ducks aggressive?

No, Pekin ducks are known for their friendly and non-aggressive behavior.

Are Pekin ducks friendly?

Yes, Pekin ducks have a friendly temperament and enjoy human interaction.

Are Pekin ducks good egg layers?

Yes, Pekin ducks are good egg layers, with each hen laying approximately 200 to 300 extra-large white eggs per year.

Are Pekin ducks heat tolerant?

Pekin ducks are hardy birds that can tolerate various climates, including heat.

Are Pekin ducks messy?

Pekin ducks can be messy, especially when they have access to water for swimming.

Are Pekin ducks noisy?

Yes, Pekin ducks can be noisy, especially when they want attention or need to be put up at night.

Are Pekin ducks raised for meat?

Yes, Pekin ducks are commonly raised for meat production due to their rapid growth rate and meat quality.

Are Pekin ducks smart?

Pekin ducks are generally intelligent birds and have good foraging instincts.

Can Pekin ducks fly?

Pekin ducks are domesticated and have been selectively bred over the years, resulting in a reduced ability to fly.

Do Pekin ducks eat grass?

Yes, Pekin ducks can eat grass along with their regular poultry or game bird feed.

Do Pekin ducks lay eggs?

Yes, Pekin ducks are good egg layers, starting at around five to six months of age.

Do Pekin ducks make good pets?

Yes, Pekin ducks make good pets, particularly for families and first-time duck keepers.

Do Pekin ducks mate for life?

No, Pekin ducks do not mate for life and can have multiple partners throughout their lives.

Do Pekin ducks need a pond?

While Pekin ducks do not necessarily need a pond, access to clean water for swimming or splashing is important for their well-being.

How big do Pekin ducks get?

Female Pekin ducks weigh around 8-9 pounds, while males weigh approximately 9-10 pounds. Jumbo Pekin ducks can weigh up to 12 pounds.

How long do Pekin ducks live?

On average, Pekin ducks have a lifespan of 7 to 12 years.

How loud are Pekin ducks?

Pekin ducks can be noisy, especially when they want attention or need to be put up at night.

How many eggs do Pekin ducks lay?

Each Pekin duck hen can lay approximately 200 to 300 extra-large white eggs per year.

How much do Pekin ducks weigh?

Female Pekin ducks weigh around 8-9 pounds, while males weigh approximately 9-10 pounds.

How to feed Pekin ducks?

Pekin ducks can be fed a poultry feed or game bird feed, along with occasional treats like greens and table scraps.

When do Pekin ducks start laying eggs?

Pekin ducks typically start laying eggs at around five to six months of age.

What are the fun facts about Pekin ducks?

Fun facts about Pekin ducks include their popularity as farm pets, their appearances in popular culture, their foraging abilities, and their ability to tolerate cold climates.

What is the scientific name for Pekin duck?

The scientific name for Pekin duck is Anas platyrhynchos domesticus.